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45c Westlands

'00' gauge - 1945 to 1955 - BR

45C Westlands is a project by four enthusiasts based in crewe (Chris, Chris G, Neil and Tom) to
exhibit the layout at model railway venues to promote the hobby.
We have themed the layout in the sixties as steam was drawing to a close and diesel power was
in its emergence. The atmosphere we endeavour to create is one of neglect and the diversity of
design prevalent during that era. In keeping with our military association there is a Royal Marine
barracks and assault course modelled to give the public a view of the training endured by the
recruits to gain the elite green beret.
There is a half roundhouse, diesel depot, steam depot and all the supporting infrastructure and a
railway works modelled on the 'new' works at Stratford, East London. The unique buildings have
been crafted by Chris Longson. Tom has taken over the creation of the ravine crossed by 3
bridges and a zip line that will lead into an endurance course and the track leading off to the '30 miler'. There are mini projects emerging in the fullness of time.

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