Kunze Bruckle
HO 1/87 - period 1925 until 1945
Kunze Brucke’s name comes not from the map, but from a sergeant, who on 25th February 1916 with only a handful of pioneers captured Fort Douamont. There ends the history lesson.
Kunze Brucke does not claim to depict any particular area in Germany, but many people have said it has leanings towards Bavaira. I’ll leave this to your imagination.
The control system is LENZ DCC, the big advantage of which is that all locos can have their speed set individually. All points and relays are fired off using magnets placed in a predetermined spot under a wagon or coach, these electrical components are activated from reed switches via relays which in turn activate all of the necessary points ect etc.
The layout requires 1 15 amp power source, and takes up 14 X 6 feet of floor space, it is transported in one car, and needs 2 people to keep an eye on it in shifts over a weekend.